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School Dress Code

Uniform with the new logo will be available to order from our new provider from June 2023

Click here to visit their website: https://www.monkhouse.com/school/maynards-green-community-primary-school-urn-114407



Autumn and Spring Term

Green school sweatshirt/cardigan with school logo (Grey Varsity Jacket optional for Year 6), sunflower yellow polo shirt with school logo, grey trousers, shorts, skirt or pinafore and grey or white socks. 

Summer Term Only

Yellow gingham summer dress. No playsuits. 

P.E & Enrichment Kit

T-shirt in house colour with school logo,  black shorts, dark-coloured tracksuit (non-branded) and white socks. 

Black plimsolls and trainers.

P.E bag

Gum shields (KS2 - in school at all times)

Swimming Kit

One piece swimsuit or trunks, towel, swimming hat and goggles.

Other Items

Please provide a book bag, water bottle and a summer hat.

Long hair should always be tied back with hair bands in the school colours. 

All items must be clearly labelled.

We ask that the following points are observed:

  • Plain black shoes  (no heels or ‘backless’ shoes).

  • Children must change for P.E

  • One ear-ring per ear is permitted (studs or sleepers only).

  • Children must not wear rings, necklaces or bracelets. If ‘Medic Alert’ items are essential, parents are asked to contact the school office.

  • All jewellery must be removed or covered during PE lessons. 

  • The wearing of nail polish is not allowed.

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