Welcome from the Governors

List of Governors
Chair: Mrs Julie Langdon
Vice-Chair : Sarah Barnard
Head Teacher: Mrs. Ailsa Clark
Staff Governor: Mrs. Jane Taylor
Local Authority Governor: Katharine Rabson Stark
Parent Governor: Sarah Barnard
Parent Governor: Mr Ben Jones
Co-opted Governor: Mrs Helen Evans
Co-opted Governor: Carly Townsend
Co-opted Governor: Michael Hilton
Co-opted Governor: Nicholas Powell
Clerk: Carol Powell - cpowell@maynardsgreen.org
Link Role Responsibilities
Safeguarding: Julie Langdon
SEND: Katharine Rabson Stark
Governor Training: Julie Langdon
Pupil Premium and Sports Premium: Ben Jones
SEND: Katharine Rabson Stark
Governor Training: Julie Langdon
Pupil Premium and Sports Premium: Ben Jones
Finance: Nicholas Powell
Curiculum and Data: Helen Evans and Julie Langdon
Health and Safety: Sarah Barnard
Early Years: Michael Hilton
What do Governors do?
The day-to-day management of the school is the responsibility of the Head Teacher. The Governors support the Head in helping to shape the school's future direction and focus.
Governors do not work as individuals but as a team - the Governing Body - providing strategic leadership and accountability in the school. The governing body acts as a ‘critical friend’ to the Head Teacher, with duties and responsibilities which include:
- setting the aims and objectives of the school
- setting policies in order to achieve aims and objectives
- setting targets for pupil achievement
- monitoring and evaluating the progress the school is making
- managing the school’s finances
- making sure the curriculum is balanced and broadly based
- appointing staff
- reviewing Head Teacher performance and pay
A Governor’s term of office is four years, and they may be re-elected at the end of that term.
Minutes of Full Governing Board Meetings
Full Governing Board Attendance Record 2023/2024

Governing Board Constitution