Starting School At Maynards Green

Useful information
Starting school
Starting school should be an enjoyable experience for your child. We hope that the following information will be helpful as your child settles into our school.
At the start of September, we often admit children over several school days in order to make the initial entry easier for children.
All children can start school full-time. However, experience has indicated that full-time schooling is not always ideal for some children. Should you wish therefore to discuss your child starting school on a part – time basis, please speak to Mrs Green, Reception Class Teacher.
Morning routine
At the beginning of the day, the staff will welcome you on the decking at 8.35am. As you come into the classroom, you will see that each child has a named peg. Children should be encouraged to find their own peg on which to hang their coats and PE bags. There are also places for children’s book bags, break time snacks and water bottles. There will be activities set out in the classroom for children to enjoy once they have put away coats etc.
End of day routine
The end of the school day is 3:15 . Children are ready to be collected promptly from the decking that leads onto the EYFS playground.
Break time and lunch time routines
Children are encouraged to bring to school a healthy snack to eat during the morning. These healthy snacks MUST NOT contain nuts, but do not have to be limited to fruit and vegetables but could also include breadsticks, rice cakes or crackers. Children should also bring to school a named bottle of water to drink from during the day (sports tops on bottles).
Children may choose to bring a packed lunch or enjoy a hot school dinner. School lunches are free to children in Key Stage 1 (which includes Reception children). Menus for school lunches are available a term ahead. Special diets can be catered for. Children will be able to choose their lunch option in the morning by adding their named stone to the box of lunch choice.
A Typical day in our Reception Class
The day will usually begin with a whole class session in which children gather together on the carpet area for the teacher's input. Following this, children will then continue working in a focused group or will be directed to self-initiated learning activities. Children enjoy following a class topic in addition to other exciting and enjoyable learning activities and parents will be notified of the various topics so that they may get involved with children’s learning at home.
There is no formal homework set in Reception class. However, little tasks are set from time to time for children to pursue at home if they wish.
Reading and Phonics
You will be asked to read with your child every day and sign their reading journal to indicate that you have done so. Please also encourage your child to read and spell keywords that will be sent home. The importance of these activities cannot be overemphasised as they will have a huge impact on a child's ability to learn and make progress. There will also be a parent phonics session during the first term of school to explain how phonics is taught in the classroom and ways you can support your child at home.
Keeping in touch
We operate an ‘open door’ policy so Reception staff will always be available should you have a question or a concern.
We regularly send information and newsletters home to keep you up to date with what is happening in school.