Message sent from:
Tuesday 5th November 9am & Tuesday 12th November 9am (1)

Term 3

DAY 1 2 3 4 5 6
Taskmaster and KS2 Tennis Mon

No Clubs


13/01/25 20/01/24


No Tennis Club



(catchup sessions)

KS2 Dance & Lego Tues 07/01/25 14/01/25 21/01/24 28/01/24 04/02/25 No clubs last week of term
Year R, 1&2 Dance, Lego, Y1&2 Tennis Wed 08/01/25 15/01/25 22/01/24 29/01/24 05/02/25 No clubs last week of term
Zylo and Football Thurs 09/01/25 16/01/25 23/01/24 30/01/24 06/02/25 No clubs last week of term
Netball Fri 10/01/25 17/01/25 24/01/24 31/01/24 07/02/25 No clubs last week of term






Mondays 15:15-16:30 

Years 2- 6 

Book here


Thursday 15:30-16:30-  Years 2-6

Our drama clubs deliver a fun and valuable experience right to your school. They are designed to accomodate everyone from beginner to pro and offer children the chance to put on shows and develop their voices whilst learning about improvisation, mime, movement and much more. We let their creativity and imaginations run wild and every session is built around our after school club motto: PlayProgressPerform

  • PLAY: Fun performance games that encourage teamwork, raise confidence and promote a supportive learning environment.
  • PROGRESS: Drama-school style activities that teach fundamental performance techniques and skills like mime, improvisation and vocal projection.
  • PERFORM: Children perform to each other every week and stage end-of-term shows for parents and school assemblies using our extensive play library or their own ideas.

To book a place, visit www.zyloperformance.co.uk/apply or email admin@zyloperformance.co.uk

Lego Club

Tuesdays and Wednesdays 

Years 1-6 and there are a maximum of 16 places available. The club is organised, administered and supported by Kids With Bricks Ltd, an external provider who deliver after school clubs across the whole of the UK.

As well as completing a range of exciting educational challenges, students will have the chance to work both individually and to work in teams. As an added bit of fun, students from the club will also take part in a weekly inter-school competition where parents can vote for their favourites and points are won for the
national leader board.


The club costs £3.99 + VAT per child per session and is paid for termly in advance. All club places are reserved and paid for online. Just go to www.kidswithbricks.com to book your child’s place.

Tickets go live on Wed 16th Oct at 12:00 midday!
Any problems please contact us on 01633 383211 or



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