Remote Learning
As a school we need to be able to make arrangements to continue the education of your child should there need to be any closures in school.
Timetable- Teachers will provide a timetable to cover each lesson that would have taken place. DB Primary will provide all the information where parents and children can find the online teaching videos and resources for each lesson. The expectations of lessons each day will be:
- A maths lesson
- An English lesson
- A phonic lesson (Foundation Stage and KS1)
- SPAG Lesson (KS2)
- Mental maths activity
- Guided Reading
- A lesson for one of the foundation subjects (science, history, geography, music, computing, art, RE, PE, PSHE)
Contact with Teachers– In the event of full or partial closure teachers will:
- Have daily contact with pupils/parents via DB Primary between the hours of 8.45am-3.15pm
- At least one check in video call each day with pupils
- A video of teachers sharing a story for pupils
School will expect parents to:
- Help their children to access the video call and online learning
- Encourage their children to engage and complete learning each day
- Contact the school, initially through DB Primary or the parents’ email if there are any questions or concerns
- Contact the school if their child is ill and unable to complete their learning
- Let the school know if they need any support with technology or the internet
- Contact the school if they require emotional support for themselves or their children
School will expect pupils to:
- Attend the video call meeting
- Complete the online learning each day to the best of their ability
- Ask their parents or teacher for help if needed
Monitoring engagement with remote education- It is important the children engage with the remote learning activities to continue their education, however we do acknowledge that each family’s home circumstances are unique and there may be factors that affect engagement with home learning. These may include parents working from home or limited access to technology. Communication is essential and we ask that if parents are finding things difficult to get in touch with their child’s class teacher so we can support and put measures in place.
Online Learning Resources
The school subscribes to a number of online learning resources which can be accessed at home. It is essential that children and parents have access to the relevant login details from the start of the school year so that they are immediately available in the event of a closure. Login details that should be included are:
- DBPrimary
- Times Table Rockstars
- Doodle Maths, Tables, English and Spell
Website Links
Oak National Academy– Visit our online classroom to view all of Oak’s free lessons, searchable by key stage, year or subject. Or visit our About Oak pages to find out more about our work.
BBC Bitesize– Explore our best videos, articles and quizzes for primary and secondary students and discover new Primary Catch-Up Lessons to get back on track. BBC Bitesize covers all subjects.
Topmarks– Topmarks has a range of educational resources, games and links to other websites covering all subjects.
Toy Theatre– Toy theatre is a collection of interactive educational games covering a range of subjects.
ICT Games– Educational maths and English games aimed at 5-8 year olds.
ICT in Schools: Learning at Home – ‘ICT in Schools’ based at The Word in South Shields have collated a range of activities and resources that you will find useful for home learning. Resources are easy to find as they are divided into age groups.
Phonics Play– Some free phonic games.
White Rose Maths – Together, we’re building a whole new culture of deep understanding, confidence and competence in maths – a culture that produces strong, secure learning and real progress. No matter what their starting points, we help teachers and learners everywhere to achieve excellence.
Foundation Subjects
Joe Wicks’ Workouts – Access a variety of different types of workouts to stay active on Joe Wicks’ youtube site: The Body Coach TV.
Cosmic Kids Yoga – Cosmic Kids Yoga are interactive adventures which build strength, balance and confidence – and gets kids into yoga and mindfulness early! Each episode is its own story, so you can enjoy the Cosmic Kids series in any order.
Go Noodle for Families– A wide range of fun dances for children to learn and help them stay active.
National Geographic Kids – Discover cool fun facts about space, bugs, animals, dinosaurs, and so much more!
Horrible Histories – Horrible Histories is a hit CBBC show that explores the side of history that they don’t teach you about in school! From the Vicious Vikings and Awful Egyptians to the Slimy Stuarts and Terrible Tudors, Horrible Histories covers the funniest, yuckiest and most gruesome bits of history for kids.
SciShow Kids – SciShow Kids explores all those curious topics that make us ask “why?” Whether conducting experiments, researching new questions, or talking with experts, there’s always something new to discover with SciShow Kids, no matter what your age!
Hour of Code– Trying an Hour of Code is a simple and fun way to introduce students to computer science.
TeachComputing - Everything you need to teach computing at key stages 1 and 2
Wellbeing Activities
14 days of wellbeing activities - ELSA support